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Sarge's Cafe
In Memory of Master Sargent Alvin W Matthews (USAF Retired Vietnam Veteran)

4.4 million Kids in Alabama
aren't getting the food they need.

Master Sargent Alvin W. Matthews
In April 2014, to honor, Alvin W. Matthews, Msgt. USAF, retired, Viet Nam Veteran, we established a non-profit organization aptly named “Sarge’s Café, Inc.”.  Alvin moto was, “a man got to do, what a man got to do.” In keeping with Sarge’s moto, we are keenly aware of the food insecurity felt by school children here in Alabama.  While seeing children in our communities, with hungry stomachs, well… we had to do what we had to do!  By turning their hunger into a hunger for learning with a simple breakfast and lunch we are investing in entire future generation of leaders.   
Childhood hunger is a problem in our schools that threatens the very foundation of our children education.  We're in danger of losing an entire generation of leaders, innovators and problem-solvers. Our goal is to provide meals and non-perishable food for school children who don’t have enough at home and may depend on the breakfast and lunch programs in their schools. 

Currently, Sarge’s partners with a private Christian School in Fairfield, Alabama by providing sack lunches for students who may not have a lunch. 

With your support, Sarge’s Café, Inc. works to ensure that every child in the communities has access to healthy food where they live, where they learn and where they play.

We all know what we have to do to insure our childhood hunger is a thing in the past for our children.

As you all know when one door opens there is another door just waiting to be open? Sarge’s Café, Inc. had no fear of opening those doors. And, what we found was new areas that needed our help. Summer Camp Lunches and Women Shelters well Sarge’s Café heard the call and we took it on. Just think about kids at camp they do eat. Sarge’s Café wants to make sure that their play doesn’t stop with hunger.
One can only imagine the numerous problems that you can find in our Women Shelters. We at Sarge’s Café want to make sure food for them and their children isn’t one of them.

It takes about $40 a week to provide bottled water and about $150 a week for snacks and weekend food.  My phone number and Sarge's address are the same.

Sarge’s Café with your help is MAKING A DIFFERENCE!

Sarge’s is currently serving 100-to 126 school children by providing bottled water, afterschool snacks, snacks for summer camp, and weekend food. 

Sarge’s has partnered with Lincoln Village Ministries in Huntsville, Alabama providing the students at its Lincoln Academy, a private Christian school, 8 ounce bottles of water and after school snacks for its Learning Lab. Please visit for more information. 

In April of 2014, Sarge’s committee to providing bottled water to Lincoln Academy for the 2015-2016 school year.  We have continued this commitment for 2016-2017, 2017-2018 and now, once again for 2018-2019. 

We are serving Bryant School, Jackson County, Alabama by providing weekend food for 15-25 students.  We began providing in September 2017 and committed to provide weekend food the rest of the school year.  And renewed our commitment for 2018-2019. 

Sarge’s is also assisting Life Resource Center in Scottsboro, Alabama with bottled water and paper products. 

We proudly announce the support of our corporate partners, Hartline Law Office and Pine Brothers Coffee Company.  Each have provided invaluable support.    See

You can also find Lincoln Village, Hartline Attorneys and Pine Brothers Coffee on Facebook. 

Our Weekend Food Program

As our supporters and Facebook friends know, since April 2014, in memory of Alvin W. Matthews, USAF Retired (‘Sarge”), SARGE’S has provided bottled water, lunches and snack sacks for students in need.  Thanks to your continued support, we can start a small food pantry to provide non-perishable foods to children for after school and weekends. 

We have the pleasure of becoming acquainted with an Army Veteran, who after serving his country, now serves his community.  With his help, we will start providing “blessing bags” (as he calls them) containing items like soup, Nutri Gran bars, juice boxes, oatmeal, pasta and other non-perishables for children in need.  We have dubbed this project the ‘A’ Team.
SARGE’s will provide the food and our new friend will discretely put the blessing bags in the hands of the children who need weekend meals. 

This is a project we have hoped for since we began.  We are excited to come along side other ministries and help fill this gap as 1 in 4 school children struggle with food insecurity.

If you would like to help with this effort, you can note your donation for “the A team” and we will earmark those funds to buy food to stock this pantry.  You may contact us for more ways you can help.  
As always, we are so grateful for your support!  100% of your tax-deductible donations is used to buy food.  We have no paid employees and Sarge’s team donates time and the vehicles needed to transport foods. 
Thank you again so very much from the team at SARGE’S.  #iloveitwhenaplancomestogether.


Click Here for PhotsOn September 6, 2015, Sarge’s Café worked with the 2nd to 4th grade Sunday School students at Helena United Methodist Church, Helena, Alabama, decorating and filling sack lunches for Restoration Academy.

The class got some extra help from HUMC’s first grade class as well.

The children decorated the bags with crayons and stickers.   Some of the HUMC students shared scripture, drew the RA mascot, Bulldogs, and other words of encouragement.

Once they completed the artwork, they fill the bags with a chef boy ardee, a pudding cup, 8 oz. bottle of water, a bag of goldfish crackers, a spoon, napkin and card sharing scripture.

Our HUMC students were so happy to be helping other children who might not otherwise have lunch at school! 
Thank you to HUMC’s Children’s Minister, Cynthia Dooley, for inviting us to participate in HUMC’s service, to Reverend Mary Bendall for stopping by to bless the bags and the food, to the other wonderful volunteer Sunday School teachers who helped us as well.

Janet Matthews
332 County Road, Section, AL 35771
Phone 1-205-602-8522
Email Janet
Alvin W. Matthews, Msgt. USAF, retired, Viet Nam Veteran
Sarge's Cafe, Inc. ©, 2014. Lgp All rights reserved. 
332 County Road, Section, AL 35771
Web Site designed, graphics and Internet Marketing by Possitive Designs Plus©