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Sarge's Cafe
In Memory of Master Sargent Alvin W Matthews (USAF Retired Vietnam Veteran)

4.4 million Kids in Alabama
aren't getting the food they need.


Master Sargent Alvin W. MatthewsRA is a private Christian School in Fairfield, Alabama.  There are 500 students from kindergarten to 12th grade.  This school has a 100% graduation rate.  They provide a faith based curriculum.

For the 2014-2015 school year, we provided approximately 300 sack lunches for the school to keep on hand for students who haven't a lunch.  The lunches include a chef boy ardee, a pudding cup, bag of goldfish, 8 oz bottle of water, spoon, napkin and scripture card.  Each of the lunches costs about $3.00 each. 

The 3rd and 4th grade classes decorated lunch bags, filled the bags, and then enjoyed a pizza lunch provided by Sarge's Café.

Childhood hunger is a problem in our schools that threatens the very foundation of our children education.  We're in danger of losing an entire generation of leaders, innovators and problem-solvers. Our goal is to provide meals and non-perishable food for school children who don’t have enough at home and may depend on the breakfast and lunch programs in their schools. Paying special attention to school lunches in our school children is especially important for securing their livelihood and abilities not just during primary education, but also for later in life. Sarge’s Café, Inc. can do this for as little as $3.00 can give a child a meal.

Currently, Sarge’s partners with a private Christian School in Fairfield, Alabama by providing sack lunches for students who may not have a breakfast or lunch.

Lunch programs are often associated with "vulnerable children" but lunch programs have proven to be ideal for all parents, who are increasingly busier all the time or may simply see the benefit of providing a hot lunch to children during the day. The benefit of any lunch program is that it provides a good square meal in the middle of the day, the best kind of "brain food." The concept makes life easier for parents and can target children's nutrition, always a concern. Students also benefit from eating together with less peer pressure from meal comparisons and other concerns.

Inadequate quantity and quality of food affects the health and wellbeing of children in several ways. Food insecurity is a huge risk to the “growth, health, cognitive, and behavioral potential”. Most behavioral, emotional, and academic problems are more prevalent among hungry children than non-hungry children. Food insecurity is linked to lower math scores, greater problems getting along with peers, poor health status, and higher prevalence of illness.

A study by researchers at the Boston University School of Medicine found that those children aged 6–11 years in food insufficient homes had lower arithmetic scores, were more likely to have repeated a grade, seen a therapist, and had more difficulty getting along with peers than similar children in food secure homes. Additionally, hungry children are much more likely to have clinical levels of psychosocial dysfunction. They also show greater signs of anxious, irritable, aggressive, and oppositional behaviors than low- income, non-hungry peers.

In addition to being at a greater risk for these behaviors, children without access to adequate diets face challenges to physical health that make them more prone to illnesses. Illnesses and such adversities lessen the amount of time students can spend learning and attending school.

Sarge’s Café with your help is MAKING A DIFFERENCE!


Sarge’s is serving lunch and providing snacks for the Kindergarten Day Camp at Restoration Academy. Camp ends Friday, June 19.  At the end of camp, we will sending each of our nine little campers home with food for the weekend.

What a great week!  We served Chef Boy Ardee, Lunchables, chicken nuggets, chips and cheese puffs.  Each day, before lunch, we say the Pledge of Allegiance and ask a blessing.  Thanks to D&L Market (Scottsboro, AL) we had watermelon!  The kids love the watermelons. 

We also provided some cute stuff like red, white and blue leis and stickers. 

The last day we will be eating cheese pizza and each child will receive a gift bag of crayons, activity books, note pads and crayons. 

Big shout out to Briarwood’s Academy’s Youth, who are working with other grades at Restoration Academy for stepping up to help! 

We are so grateful for all the contributions and people who made this possible and for the opportunity to serve Restoration Academy’s children.

Sarge’s Café continues its relationship with Restoration Academy, Fairfield, Alabama by providing sack lunches for students who don’t have a lunch.  Since the 2015 – 2016 school year, began we have provided 80 lunches.  Including the one’s RA students decorated on September 30, 2015.  This is the third time we have been asked to work with the 3rd and 4th graders. 
We worked with Dr. Berry’s 3rd grade and Ms. Massey’s 4th classes decorating and filling sack lunches to leave at Restoration Academy for the children who don’t have a lunch.

We also left some extra nonperishable items at the school. 
After all the work the students put into helping Sarge’s we had pizza for lunch and rice krispie treats. 
It is such a joy to work with children helping children. 

Thank you Dr. Berry and Ms. Massey for your help with these wonderful, caring students.  Thanks to Tip Shumaker, owner of One to One Fitness, Galleria Tower, Hoover, Alabama for delivering lunch, Ms. Steele for getting where I needed to be and enlisting some RA future football stars with help unloading supplies and food, Ms. Phaye Wilson for some great phots, and to Sam Cargo and the RA’s administration for inviting us back to serve.
See you in March for the second service day of the 2015-2016 school years.

Janet Matthews
332 County Road, Section, AL 35771
Phone 1-205-602-8522
Email Janet
Sarge's Cafe, Inc. ©, 2014. Lgp All rights reserved. 
332 County Road, Section, AL 35771
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